Six Shared Values

We are a new church seeking to bless Anna and the surrounding communities by joining Jesus to make all things new. We believe the best way that happens is not through a particular set of programs, but through sharing a committment to build a church culture with distinction.  These six shared committments represent the kind of people we want to be, the kind of church we want to be a part of, and the heartbeat of what we are asking God to do in us through his grace. 

  • Joyful Rest - We gather weekly to rest in and celebrate the gospel 
  • Rooted Community - We seek spiritual growth through intentional friendships
  • Extravagant Generosity - We seek to give and serve in the lavish way we have received
  • Redemptive Imagination - We believe God is at work in all of life and believe the best is yet to come
  • Gospel Urgency - We believe eternity matters and make bold moves to bring people to Jesus 
  • Next Generation Priority - We take outrageous efforts to reach those who are 0-18 

We believe that Jesus is at work in every generation making all things new through his resurrection and calling us to advance his cause and mission for his glory alone.