We exist to partner with parents to reach the next generation with the gospel
We count it one of the highest privileges to serve the next generation by teaching them gospel truths in a safe and fun enviornment. We treat kids not as just the church of the future but the church of right now. We believe God is at work in a unique way every single Sunday morning in our kids ministry and we take "outrageous efforts" to reach those in our care through a context of love and biblical teaching.
We believe every child is a blessing from God and made in his image. We also believe that parents are the primary discipler of their kids and not the church. However, every parent needs the help of the church with the difficulties of parenting, and every child needs other adults to point them to Jesus. This is why our goal is to partner with parents to reach the next generation with the gospel.
We know for parents to entrust their kids to us they must know it's both physically and spiritually safe. All of our volunteers must pass our 5 point safety requirements through our partnership with Ministry Safe. Additionally they must go through training and be approved to serve with kids and work within our age. We also hold to volunteer ratios in classes that ensure safety and would rather shut down a class than to put your child at risk for a lack of room or volunteers.